
Tempting the Fates

We used to have a rule "No travel to Buffalo between October and March". Last year we had to ignore it because we had a wedding in November. This year I thought we were sticking to it. Well, my wonderful Mother-In-Law begged us to make the trip this year. So, after much discussion we decided to go.
Last week the weather channel had awful predictions about snow, especially lake effect snow and we almost cancelled. Over the weekend we monitored what we could, checked every forecast available and finally decided to go for it!
We left our warm, sunny home this morning and are driving 6hrs to our 1/2 way point. It has been an uneventful trip so far and I hope that it remains that way! Tomorrow morning may bring a few surprises, especially as we get further North. Right now we are seeing a lot of snow on the sides of the roads but the roads remain clear. A few flurries in the skies but nothing major. Poor JMan is driving and the wind is horrible in some spots...I'm sure he'll have calluses on his hands tonight! The girls are SO EXCITED seeing the snow and just can't wait to play in it.

Of course I'll update regularly with pictures when I can!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

safe travels JCrew!!