
The Evolution of a Garden

Since moving into our house in January I planned to plant some flowers come spring. In late March it started to warm up just enough to start, so I made the girls help me get the ground ready. I didn't know what we had in store for us! We found lots of 'treasures' including glass, rocks, nails and other misc building materials. We got out as much as possible and then planted some flowers. I rushed at first because I wanted to get them in before the rain came...the rain came and almost ruined the flowers! I salvaged what I could and then started to expand the flower bed and then decided to relocate some of the bushes. I thrive on consistency and it made me happy to have all alike bushes together! Unfortunately the entire left side of the house isn't consistent - it's a hodgepodge of plants including one very strange one - lets just say we'll soon enjoy the "fruits" of our labor LOL!!!

So, here's the slideshow of all our hard work. It really was a team-effort; even Julian got dirty digging up the clay so that I could get the flowers in. We are getting lots of compliments from those that pass by and it's nice to hear. I can't wait to do further work come fall...our hot season came on strong and fast and I think adding anything else will just be pointless.


Sandy said...

The garden looks great! Will you come do mine? ;-)

Kimberly said...

Wow~ You did work hard. Your flowers look beautiful! Now can you run up to PA and plant some for me?