
Days with the Family Part 1

Starting in July we planned for family to come to our house for a visit. Needless to say, it's been very busy at our house!
First Carlee and Dewayne came to visit on July 9th and we've been having TONS of fun with them. Since visiting baby Dewayne has learned to drink from a cup and I think we can officially say he's walking! Pretty soon he won't be a baby anymore! He turns 1 soon and is growing up way too quickly!

Then last week my parents arrived for a short visit. The girls had so much fun jumping on Grandpa, learning new silly games and watching movies. Jula didn't participate in the games, instead she watched safely from the sidelines.
My dad had a plastic ball that he would pretend to throw. It confused the girls for a few seconds but then they realized the trick. I was amazed at how fully entertained they were!



Then my dad got on the floor and boy he didn't realize what he was in for! 2 little girls weighing about 100lbs total dove on him. He took it for about 10 minutes and then we had to pull them off.


Of course when he sat up the fun had to continue!



I was able to catch a quick impromptu picture of everyone!

Now we are packing for the next segment of our "Days with the Family"! Stay tuned....

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